Category Archives: What I Did

You Tube Skills Week: Juggling

YouTube Skills Week:  Juggling Juggling seemed like an achievable parlor trick as part of my YouTube skills week. I have reveled in the success of my other trick, a loud, piercing whistle with my thumb and index finger placed on … Continue reading

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Podcast: You Tube Skills Week: Juggling

How hard can juggling be for someone with enviable hand-eye coordination? Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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You Tube Skills Week: Taxidermy

An unexpected change in summer vacation plans left me with a solo week of unstructured time.  Although I have become quite skilled in puttering and frittering, I didn’t want to fall into the abyss of bad TV, cheap novels and … Continue reading

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Podcast: YouTube Skills Week: Taxidermy

How YouTube can put purpose into an unstructured week. Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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The Day I Burned a Piano

I stand in the empty living room, staring at the piano.  The gathering cold of autumn seeps into the unheated farmhouse, the temperature penetrating and raw.  After my parents died, first my mother, then my father, I have sold both … Continue reading

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A Cherished Eyeball

    Family Christmas Letter, 1963 “[Elizabeth] is in the 6th grade, no special interests, is good fun and pleasant company.  Can’t really think of anything special to say about her…” Family Christmas Letter, 1964 “[Elizabeth] is a Beatles fan, … Continue reading

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When Truth is Not Enough: From Non-Fiction to Fiction

The decision seemed trivial.  Nick and I were cleaning out my parent’s farmhouse after they died.  Only my mother’s piano was left, a big clumsy thing with pock-marked and tuneless keys.  Phil, the caretaker, couldn’t find anyone to take it.  … Continue reading

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The Banana Incident

I hate bananas. Actually, hate is inadequate to describe the depth of my feeling. So is despise, detest, abhor, loathe and revile. Bananas assault all of my senses. The wet sticky sound when you eat them reminds me of dogs … Continue reading

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First Evers, Chapter 2

1.  Respect I had heard about athletes being “in the zone.”  I particularly remember the Kansas City A’s hall of famer George Brett talking about those out-of-the-blue days when a baseball inexplicably looked as big as a melon.  Brett just … Continue reading

Posted in Lists, What I Did, What Words Mean | 1 Comment

Key Take-Aways from 5 Hours of Religious Radio

Every month I make the 6-hour drive from the south shore of Lake Superior to the southern tip of Lake Michigan.  Except for Marquette at its northern outset and Milwaukee to the south, the route runs through rural country.  I … Continue reading

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