Monthly Archives: September 2021

Nature of the Mundane Part 2: Fruit Flies

The Nature of the Mundane.  Part 2.  Fruit Flies It took me decades to make the connection between the annoying insects hovering above the fruit basket and Drosophila melanogaster, the inspiration behind six Nobel prizes over the past 100 years.  … Continue reading

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Cicada Summer

John was pleased that the woman sat next to him on the commuter train, even though it was the only open seat.  She could have stood in the vestibule, he thought.  The next day there was a vacant seat.  She … Continue reading

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The Day I Burned a Piano

I stand in the empty living room, staring at the piano.  The gathering cold of autumn seeps into the unheated farmhouse, the temperature penetrating and raw.  After my parents died, first my mother, then my father, I have sold both … Continue reading

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My Warbler

(Artwork by Maria McNitt – The blue-winged warbler struggles as I extract him from the fine netting stretched across the underbrush.  Our instructor Caleb assures us that this will only be a tiny interruption in his migration, and the information … Continue reading

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