Category Archives: Sports

Pandemic Ponderings: Sports Edition

The visceral up-chuck I experience at the sound of Trump’s voice, or the imitation of his voice, makes me a dangerous driver.  Therefore, I generally listen to sports radio in the car, as it is reliably a no-Trump station.  As … Continue reading

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Dear Mr. Manfred, Major League Baseball Commissioner

Dear Rob Manfred, Major League Baseball Commissioner It is the beginning of baseball season, and I couldn’t care less.  This is astonishing to me since I grew up surrounded by baseball.  My mother taught me how to throw a baseball … Continue reading

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Last One Picked

Our seventh grade class was divided into several cliques: the boy crazy girls, the horse crazy girls, the sporty girls, the brainy girls and the blah girls, the default category of those with no mainstream identity. The boy crazy girls were … Continue reading

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My Short Sweet Life as a Human Target

I could think of nothing to recommend me when Susie asked me to join their senior women’s ice hockey team. After all I had only skated on figure skates, and that was over forty years ago, a time when hockey … Continue reading

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Ah! Wonderlic!

I am a sixty year old woman with nothing obvious in common with a pro football player. My forty yard dash could be timed with a clogged hour glass, my bench press might not exceed a full load of laundry, … Continue reading

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Deuce Bitch

I played a lot of tennis growing up, in part because we had a tennis court in our back yard, but mostly because my mother was an avid player.  This was back in the sixties, in the days when women’s … Continue reading

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Podcast: Baseball, Earlobes and Running Backward

Ruminations during a slow-paced baseball game, including people watching and categorizing different styles of earlobes, and considering the implications if the bases were run in the opposite direction for a change of pace. Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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Conversation Piece

I would not consider myself a good conversationalist, and you can’t convince me otherwise, because every time I take one of those personality tests, I end up with all the other socially awkward people.  But I have developed a few … Continue reading

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Baseball, Earlobes and Running Backward

Chapter 1. In 2008, a Cubs road game scheduled for Houston got rescheduled in Milwaukee due to Hurricane Ike pounding the Texas coast.  Therefore on a beautiful early fall afternoon, Nick and I spontaneously decided to breeze up to Brewer’s … Continue reading

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