Category Archives: Nature

The Delicate Art of Potty Humor

I feel quite confident in my theory. Across the entire history of homo sapiens, across all cultures, ethnicities, geographies, and however else we might seek to self-identify, I know that we all have one thing in common – enjoyment of … Continue reading

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The Upside of Maggotts

I have been well-trained to assimilate the ICK factor with equanimity and good humor. As a pathologist, I have performed hundreds of autopsies, uncoiling yards of slippery intestines and carefully scooping out their contents. When assigned to the operating room, … Continue reading

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Squirrel in the Kitchen

The reward at the end of the eight hour drive is immediate. I pry myself out of the cramped car and stand up in the soft needles splayed across the dirt driveway, feel the breeze enfold my bare arms and … Continue reading

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Raspberries Aplenty

  For the past month, every couple of days I have been able to go outside and pick myself at least a pint of raspberries from the bushes alongside our porch.  Growing up, raspberries, and macadamia nuts, were considered the … Continue reading

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(This fanagram is also available as podcast.  Click on podcast in the category menu at the right.) I first ran into the pronoun “ze” (pronounced zee) at Frances’ graduation from Grinnell College. In the written material, the third person singular … Continue reading

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Podcast: Rendering Judgment

You know that expression, “being sent off to the glue factory?”  Well, this is what that is all about – the rendering factory. Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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Podcast: Warm Spot in the Lake

What IS that warm spot? Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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Podcast: Fruited Plain

Our first attempts at a garden. Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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Snappers and Me

For any of you who vacation at a lake, this story may seem familiar, you have probably had some encounter with a snapping turtle.  My story begins at the end of a long hike around a mountain in the Upper … Continue reading

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Now Thank We All Our Sphincters

Now Thank We All Our Sphincters Last week son Ned sent me a link to a blog posting with the note – “Mom, I thought this was funny – it seemed like something you might write.”  The essay was entitled:  … Continue reading

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