Category Archives: Nature

The Nature of the Mundane: The Human Chin

Fifty years of solving the NY Times Crossword puzzles have blessed me with a peculiar vocabulary, but I also revel in their creative themes and clues.  I settle in for Sunday breakfast, open the Times magazine and wonder how long … Continue reading

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Podcast: The Nature of the Mundane: The Human Chin

The human chin is the defining anatomical feature of modern humans Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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Podcast: Darwin and I Take a Walk

Darwin and I explore the mysteries of the pellet feces. Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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The Nature of the Mundane Part 3. Darwin and I Take a Walk

I recently took a walk alongside a herd of big-horned sheep in the Rio Grande valley north of Santa Fe, where I couldn’t help but notice tiny fecal pellets scattered all along the trail.  How could such an enormous animal … Continue reading

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Nature of the Mundane Part 2: Fruit Flies

The Nature of the Mundane.  Part 2.  Fruit Flies It took me decades to make the connection between the annoying insects hovering above the fruit basket and Drosophila melanogaster, the inspiration behind six Nobel prizes over the past 100 years.  … Continue reading

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Cicada Summer

John was pleased that the woman sat next to him on the commuter train, even though it was the only open seat.  She could have stood in the vestibule, he thought.  The next day there was a vacant seat.  She … Continue reading

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My Warbler

(Artwork by Maria McNitt – The blue-winged warbler struggles as I extract him from the fine netting stretched across the underbrush.  Our instructor Caleb assures us that this will only be a tiny interruption in his migration, and the information … Continue reading

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The Nature of the Mundane Part 1

TThe clicking sound on my windshield sounds like a brittle cascade of sleet, but this being June, and this being a bluebird sunny day, I consider other sources.  I am driving along the north shore of Lake Michigan just past … Continue reading

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My Crepiness

The afternoon sun can be cruel for those who care about tidiness, its shallow-angled rays highlighting each individual dust mote, both on the ground and in the air.  However, I find peace in knowing that a perfectly clean house is … Continue reading

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The Elegance of the Hexagon

Not that there was any pitched battle for my loyalties, but I have to say that the hexagon is my favorite geometric shape.  I first became enamored in biochemistry when introduced to the basic building block of the carbon ring, … Continue reading

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