Category Archives: Murder Mystery

Hard Boiling It

Forty five years ago a friend introduced me to the crime fiction author, Ross MacDonald and his detective Lew Archer, a descendant of the hard-boiled detectives Sam Spade (Dashiell Hammett) and Phillip Marlowe (Raymond Chandler)   I devoured the series, reveling … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Conclusion

I started to walk across the lawn towards my car, but Henry spoke up again.  As I turned I saw his gun pointed at me.  “Simba, I really insist that you stop ignoring me.  I asked a simple question, and … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 49

Henry emerged from a side door and stood on the stone patio.  Sam and I were about 50 years away and down a small dip in the landscaping overlooking the canyon.  But even at this distance in the dark, I … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 48

I walked out the gate and pondered my options, which turned out to be very limited.  Just didn’t seem right for a private eye to arrive at a potential crime scene in a cab.  But then I remembered that Mary … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 47

As I got back into my car, I realized that I hadn’t eaten all day.  I figured I would have a bite to eat, and then just sack out at Ralph and Fanny’s.  It really didn’t make any sense for … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 46

I sat in the car to regroup.  I sure could’ve used a session with Ralph and Fanny and some white boards, but I didn’t want to keep driving back and forth to Santa Teresa.  Besides, I had to be realistic; … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapters 44-45

Chapter 44 We both climbed into the car, mutely put on our seat belts, and I was about to turn on the ignition when Simba grabbed my arm.  “Will you listen to Dessa’s message for me?” she said, “I’m too … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 43

Simba didn’t say a word and my mind raced.  What evidence could Grimes have put together since yesterday?  No judge would grant a search warrant based on a partial match of a license plate.  He must have come up with … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapters 41-42

Chapter 41 As I ran along the bike path at the beach, I began to think that going to see Henry on my own was a bad idea – I suppose being a neutral go between was a decent enough … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 40

I slept fitfully that night, and was entirely groggy when I heard phone ring at six.  I couldn’t catch it in time, and momentarily fell back asleep, and then it rang again.  I struggled awake, grabbed the phone and said … Continue reading

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