Category Archives: Lists

Lists: 5 Ideas to Shake Up Olympics Ice Skating

1.  Redefine Pairs Currently the International Skating Union (ISU) states that pairs and ice dancing partners must consist of a “lady” and a man, though it does not define these genders further.  Why not open it up to two humans … Continue reading

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Lists: Words to Live By

1.  Think Before You Stink —- 6th grade teacher The devastating consequences of this grade school adage only became apparent in my professional life.  I was working against a deadline for an article on PET scans, a new and controversial … Continue reading

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In Praise of Kitchen Gadgets

  There is nothing like a visit to Bed, Bath and Beyond to restore one’s confidence in American ingenuity.  I’m not talking about the whiz bang intelligence required to send a man to Mars, invent the Internet, or thwart Russian … Continue reading

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First Evers, Chapter 2

1.  Respect I had heard about athletes being “in the zone.”  I particularly remember the Kansas City A’s hall of famer George Brett talking about those out-of-the-blue days when a baseball inexplicably looked as big as a melon.  Brett just … Continue reading

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Lists: First Evers, Chapter One

1.  Selfishness I don’t recall absorbing the difficult childhood mandate to share, but by age nine or ten, I had a grasp on the give and take of toys and the painful sacrifice of a split cookie.  At this point sharing … Continue reading

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Lists: Reasonably Flat Surfaces That Could Be Used for Forced Idleness Advertising

The airport experience is nothing but sequential moments of forced idleness.  As we stand numbly in security lines or fidget at the gate, our weary eyes dart around looking for stimulation.  Marketers have obliged.  Every available surface is slathered with … Continue reading

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Lists: Four Misnomers and One God’s Honest Truth

  Misnomers 1. Daylight Savings Time In the late 1950s I was eight years old, a time when my mother routinely told us to clean our dinner plates because “children were starving in Armenia.”  I did not grasp this logic … Continue reading

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5 Best Idioms Using the Word Shit

Every language is enlivened by its array of idioms and my impression is that English is particularly well-endowed, perhaps because Shakespeare played for our team.  I have collected dictionaries of idioms, including specialized references, such as idioms of the army … Continue reading

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Podcast: 5 Best Idioms Using the Word Shit

There are so many to choose from, which are the best? Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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Lists: Bad Christmas Songs

On December 23rd, I set out on a solo drive 360 miles straight north to the shores of Lake Superior with the rest of the family following shortly behind in a second car.  I frequently take this drive and look forward … Continue reading

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