Author Archives: Liza Blue

Open Letter to Stephen Hawking

There is one thing humans have relied on, well beyond the standard cliché of death and taxes.  It is the universal standard of a second as an enduring constant across cultures and time.  Some extremist with a jittery trigger finger … Continue reading

Posted in McSweeney Rejects, To the Best of My Knowledge, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Lists: Bad Christmas Songs

On December 23rd, I set out on a solo drive 360 miles straight north to the shores of Lake Superior with the rest of the family following shortly behind in a second car.  I frequently take this drive and look forward … Continue reading

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Lists: MFOs

  With my mother at the helm, my family’s household was frequently the venue for large gatherings at Christmas and Thanksgiving.  These events were always casual and pot-luck, but even so she nurtured a variety of strategies to make sure … Continue reading

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Marketing Unplugged: The Logo On My Computer

  At first I was enamored with my new Lenovo laptop.  Its peppy red color and compact design were as cute as a bug’s ear and perfect for spontaneous writing venues.  And then I tried to open it.  The laptop … Continue reading

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Podcast: Worms in Dirt

I wanted to honor Darwin and decided that I would try to share his interest in earthworms by setting up a worm farm.  SPOILER ALERT!  It failed. Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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Worms in Dirt

Some things are easy to explain, like why I put off a colonoscopy for several years – I think that I am like a lot of Americans.  As a group we have always had an uneasy relationship with effluent – … Continue reading

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Lists: Things That Could Be Gender Neutral

My goal here is not to attempt a feminist screed, so I have focused this list on gender-specific standards that have largely gone unnoticed.  Right-handed scissors are a good analogy.  My left-handed mother always winced in agony whenever she used … Continue reading

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Five Simple Ideas that Changed Our Lives

  Some ideas seem so obvious we wonder how we ever lived without them.  I am not talking about technological breakthroughs, like the TV/garage door/coffee maker/fan clicker, but elegant and clever ideas based on nothing more than common sense and … Continue reading

Posted in Lists | 1 Comment

In Transit

  Let’s see – for 10 years I commuted on buses, subways, or trains, at least two hours a day, 5 days a week, 48 weeks a year.  That’s a total of 4800 hours going to and from medical school and … Continue reading

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The Best Shit Has to Offer

Every language is enlivened by its array of idioms.  Americans seem to be particularly fond of the word “shit”, perhaps because these idioms take advantage of the tension between the taboo of a body effluent and the titillating guilty pleasure … Continue reading

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