Author Archives: Liza Blue

Life at the Bottom

For the past three years, I have had the great privilege of working in a home office that overlooks several hundred acres of prairie.  As I gnash my teeth over the struggles of my professional life, I can look up … Continue reading

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The Hardest Thing I Have Ever Done

This summer our daughter headed off on a very rigorous hiking and camping experience in Alaska.  The website didn’t try to sugarcoat the experience, warning that participants would carry 50 to 60 lb packs over mountain ridges, that it could … Continue reading

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I Was a Loser

Milestones came at a rapid clip when our son Ned was an infant – crawling, sitting, standing and first words. Once school started, these milestones slowed down, replaced by the predictable progress through one grade after the next. But now … Continue reading

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Just Don’t Go

The house is quiet after a busy summer of kids coming and going, and Nick and I can now settle back into our lives of empty-nesters with a reduced slate of parental responsibilities.  I hear younger friends tell frenzied stories … Continue reading

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Tings A-Koo-Moo-A-Late

We moved into our current house three years ago, and I exulted in our abundant storage space and expansive counter tops, particularly the kitchen which featured a large island.  In our previous house I had railed against the piles of … Continue reading

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Better to be Stupid than Look Stupid

Chapter 1 I first started my career in technology assessment at the American Medical Association and was occasionally called on to speak at various conferences.  While I was confident of my very narrow topic, as a representative of the AMA … Continue reading

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Word Freak

April 1978 was a watershed momemt when I first time that I completed an entire Sunday NY Times.  Finally I felt that I could legitimately call myself a cruciverbalist.  Since then, the Sunday NYT crossword has become a weekly ritual, supplemented … Continue reading

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A Spectacle of Myself

Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to wear glasses.  I grew up before contact lenses or LASIK surgery became available, and to me anybody who wore glasses was immediately unique.  How many times did I sit at … Continue reading

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Ephemeral, Evanescent and Fugacious

I remember one dinner table conversation years ago when all of us kids were challenged to present and defend our favorite word.   My father’s favorite word was “magnolia,” which I thought was a sissy word for a family patriarch, and … Continue reading

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Santa Claus, Mr. Potato Head and the Hangnail Fairy

I suppose childhood can be characterized as a process of sorting out misconceptions from reality – the misconceptions can either by foisted upon you inadvertently by adults, or intentionally by perpetuating cultural icons or mores (think Santa, Easter bunny or … Continue reading

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