Author Archives: Liza Blue

Conversation Piece

I would not consider myself a good conversationalist, and you can’t convince me otherwise, because every time I take one of those personality tests, I end up with all the other socially awkward people.  But I have developed a few … Continue reading

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Rendering Judgment

I recently heard a friend describe her declining atheletic prowess as like “a horse who should be sent to the glue factory,” which set me to pondering about the fate of loyal farm animals when they make the inevitable transition … Continue reading

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No Place Like Home

My meeting downtown finished early, and so I arrived at O’Hare hours ahead of time for my evening flight to Atlanta.  I settled in to read, and then deep into my novel, I became irritated at the flashing lights above … Continue reading

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Don’t Drink the Water

For two crystal clear days in June I was sequestered in a conference room in a swanky Chicago hotel listening to presentations on mouth sores – an exquisitely painful side effect of cancer therapy.  The room darkened and the group … Continue reading

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Living the Dream

I was over 30 years old by the time I finished my college, medical school and residency training.  One of the most joyful aspects of this feat of endurance was the realization that I would no longer be subjected to … Continue reading

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Vindictive Snack Mom

I greeted my first assignment as snack mom with undiluted pleasure.  Like many of my contemporaries, I had delayed childbearing into the thirties, and had only two children.  Now was the time for commitment to participate intimately in the life … Continue reading

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Chapter 4. SAT: The Reveal

(For the complete SAT experience see other 3 chapters and a YouTube song parody about the SAT test!) It has been one month since I took the SATs and while awaiting my scores I have been interested to learn more … Continue reading

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Thrown Under the Bus

This spring, on an ill advised impulse, I signed up for a ladies’ ice hockey league, where random teams were formed based on the self ranking of the players.  I originally had no interest, but then I was contacted directly … Continue reading

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I Can Hear My Breasts

For several years friends have been recommending that I read Nora Ephron’s collection of essays called “I Feel Bad About My Neck,” saying that we have a similar writing style and that both of us seem to be pretty agreeable … Continue reading

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Words with No Meaning

A while ago I wrote about the specialized vocabulary shared by seasoned crossword puzzle aficionados – words that tend to have a lot of “e’s” in them, like epée and ewer, essential to the crossword fill surrounding the theme words.  … Continue reading

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