Author Archives: Liza Blue

Spring Diary: Chapter 3

April 26th: The woods are now teeming with yellow rumped and palm warblers.  The noise level has risen to a surrounding white noise, but instead of standing befuddled in the midst of a cacophonous UN debate, I can begin to … Continue reading

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Spring Diary: Chapter 2

April 10th During the winter, I have also spent some time reading some of the bird watching literature.  Some of these books tell stories about amazing encounters in the woods, with compelling first hand accounts of a Goshhawk snatching a … Continue reading

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Spring Diary: Chapter 1

March 31 The calendar says that Spring begins March 21st, but for all practical purposes, such as planting a garden, playing golf or outdoor tennis, you really need to wait another month.  The rush of migratory birds also doesn’t begin … Continue reading

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My Hat in the Ring

Over the past two years we have buried both my parents in the family plot at Lake ForestCemetery, joining my brother, grandparents, great and great-great grandparents.   While the plot was certainly filling up, it appeared that there was plenty of … Continue reading

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Mergers and Acquisitions

Along with the crossword puzzle, the Wedding and Celebrations section justifies the hefty price of the Sunday NY Times.  Back in the 1960s, I used to peruse this section in the remote possibility of recognizing a name.  Beyond that, there was … Continue reading

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Brain Food

Sitting in the shelves of everyone of my first cousin’s homes is a copy of the cookbook, “Have Fun with Herbs,” self-published by my grandmother in the late 1950s.  So I thought it would a fitting family unity exercise to … Continue reading

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Law and Order

I think that every generation of children has a touchstone television show whose ingrained theme song immediately brings back their youth. For me, it was Leave it to Beaver, and then later with my younger brothers, most definitely The Dick … Continue reading

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The Same Old Story

The basic plot lines of  forbidden love, the overwhelming desire for what you can’t have, undiluted jealousy have been the fodder for umpteen movies, cheap paperbacks, great works of fact and fiction, and certainly scads of episodes of Law and … Continue reading

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The Fruited Plain

This summer marked out debut performance as gardeners.  Our new house came with a dedicated, fenced in garden and underground automatic watering system which would have been handy if we could ever figure out how to use it. We had … Continue reading

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I Can’t Believe It’s Not Buttery

The quick trip to the grocery store was pathetically mundane.  I was simply there to pick up the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies, but at the egg case I found myself caught in a morass of conflicting humane, ethical, … Continue reading

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