Author Archives: Liza Blue

Author’s Commentary 1: The Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery

Introduction One of the anticipatory pleasures of summer vacation is lining up your reading.  Generally, I like to consider different categories fitting different moods and times of day.  You can always tote work with you on vacation, but let’s be … Continue reading

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Pathologic Memories

As an anatomic pathologist, I am frequently in a dilemma when asked what kind of work I do.  For non-physicians the answer almost invariably requires further explanation.  Sometimes I include the explanation all in one breath, “I’m a pathologist.  We … Continue reading

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Let Yourself Go, Part 2

My father began to contemplate retirement in the early 1980s, and thought computers might be a suitable focus for his newly acquired free time.  When Nick spotted a computer seminar, we thought that this would be the perfect introduction.  As … Continue reading

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Let Yourself Go, Part 1

One day I was sitting in the kitchen as my mother arrived from the grocery store and starting unloading groceries, as she had probably done almost once every day for at least 30 years.  But she hummed and there was … Continue reading

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The Committment Conundrum in Three Vignettes

1: No As we headed out on our bike ridewe were suddenly accompanied by an uninvited dog. We got off and tried to shoo him home, but he didn’t move. I clearly did not want a tag along dog – … Continue reading

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Marco Polo, Ouija and Snickers

As I passed by a pool filled with kids on a muggy day, I realized that they were playing the game Marco Polo.  I had played this game as a kid, but thought it was perhaps a faddish or very … Continue reading

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Shakespeare Wrote Doggerel

For about 2 years my mother and I worked together on a book of children’s poetry called Ned’s Journal, which described the “small and big life adventures of Ned,” a 10 year old boy.  We were pleased to secure a … Continue reading

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Spring Diary: Chapter 6

May 18th I now have spent some six weeks with my daily walks, and I have come to appreciate the slow unraveling of spring and feel attuned to the changing season.  I imagine that many people are only vaguely aware … Continue reading

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Spring Diary: Chapter 5

May 11th I look back at my entry of April 26th, where I smugly talk about being able to pick out the strands of individual songs.  Now, in the thick of prime migration time, I realize that this is a … Continue reading

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Spring Diary: Chapter 4

May 5th The last few days have been disappointing with few additional birds.  Where are they?  A whole new wave of migrants should be arriving any day now, although the cold north winds have probably kept them at bay.  Although … Continue reading

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