Author Archives: Liza Blue

In Transit

During my 30+ years of working life, I have migrated from working into the office to home to the office and back again, each time in search of the perfect combination of work environment and family demands.  When Ned was … Continue reading

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I stand here a stalwart but beleaguered member of the sandwich generation, a person who has marginal computer skills and even more tenuous tech support.  Activities of daily living (ADL) is a commonly used medical concept that describes a person’s … Continue reading

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Grave Situation

Over the past seven years I watched helplessly as my mother’s bright and witty mind slowly unraveled.  And then over a brief 5 day period this July, her physical self quickly unraveled and suddenly she was gone.  Suddenly, I transitioned … Continue reading

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Razor Sharp Memories

What a gift to grow up next to next door neighbors like the Reeds, who had 5 children who pretty much matched up with our family.   There was so much traffic between the two households that Mrs. Reed put stones … Continue reading

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The Great Unraveling

On December 18th, with great sadness and some relief, I was officially booted out of the sandwich generation. My mother had died a year and half earlier, but her death did not change my every day life that much. She … Continue reading

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When the Spit Hits the Spam

My interest in idioms was prompted by an offhand comment by my cousin Susie who remarked that she had enjoyed a slim volume called “Hog on Ice,” which provided derivations for common American idioms.  I then began to notice that … Continue reading

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Simply Christmas

This year we enjoyed an immensely satisfying Thanksgiving, filled with a harmonious family of 28 with ages ranging from 2 months to 85 years old, representing 4 different generations.  We hosted the event at our house, and I had adopted … Continue reading

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The Shape of My Container

In my second year of medical school, I subscribed to an odd little periodical called “Disease-a-Month,” basically a Cliff Notes for the aspiring doctor.  Each month the bright yellow pamphlet would provide a summary of the most salient facts about … Continue reading

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My Saggin’ Wagons

A couple of years ago we decided to break the pattern of our holiday celebrations, unchanged for the past 25 years.  Instead of traipsing from one suburb to the next to touch bases with as many family members as possible, … Continue reading

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Chapter 2: Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery

Prior and subsequent chapters are posted in the murder mystery category.   I met Penny at a Starbuck’s near the dreary complex of cinder block dorms at SantaTeresaUniversity.  On the phone, her baby doll voice made her sound like a … Continue reading

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