Author Archives: Liza Blue

Oops! Dissected

Now that my children are grown, I can’t remember the last time I used the word “oops.” Sure – it’s part of my vocabulary, but I have never spent any time considering its various implications.  Until of course, last week … Continue reading

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Chapter 1: Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery

Thursday, with nothing on my schedule for Friday.  First time in a long time that I wasn’t going to be working a weekend.  So I certainly didn’t want to take Penny’s case, but the referral was from Charles Grimes, my … Continue reading

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Author’s Commentary 2: The Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery

I initially titled my little murder mystery “The Blue Hammer,” in homage to the Lew Archer detective series written by Ross MacDonald.   However, I will definitely need a title of my own if I continue this exercise. After reading a few … Continue reading

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Chapters 10-12 Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery

Prior chapters of The Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery are filed in the “Murder Mystery” category.   Chapter 10 My next stop was the University where I thought that I would start with the fencing coach.  I knew that I couldn’t … Continue reading

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Drunkard’s Walk

Every now and then when I am doing errands, I stop at the local bookstore to see what’s new.  I freely admit that I judge a book by its cover – the title, the graphics and any blurbs.  I also … Continue reading

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Pet Care Rationing

Health care rationing for family pets has struck me as an interesting contrast to the emotional and unsolvable issue of health care rationing for humans.  Pet owners routinely make budgetary decisions on when to put a pet down, or how aggressively … Continue reading

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The 25 Hour Day

Tonight we turn our clocks back, and the general consensus is that everyone should enjoy an extra hour of sleep.  While true when I was in college, it hasn’t quite been the blessing ever since.  When I was in medical … Continue reading

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Chapters 7-9: Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery

Prior chapters of the Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery are filed in the Murder Mystery category   Chapter 7 The police station was actually not far from Ralph and Fanny’s. The city had gotten a good deal on the empty … Continue reading

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Unfinished Business

I have been on a math kick recently, having rediscovered math in last year’s experiment in retaking the SATs after a 40 year hiatus. (See prior posts filed under “SAT Experience.”)  A previous essay described my quest to finally understand why … Continue reading

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Grokking It

Grok: to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed—to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science. ——– Last year’s experience of retaking … Continue reading

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