Author Archives: Liza Blue

Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 40

I slept fitfully that night, and was entirely groggy when I heard phone ring at six.  I couldn’t catch it in time, and momentarily fell back asleep, and then it rang again.  I struggled awake, grabbed the phone and said … Continue reading

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Think Fast, Think Slow

Next to my bed is a large stack of books, most of which I will never read.  I pick them up on occasional prowls through the local bookstore, or buy them based on a book review.  The problem is that … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 39

As I started driving back through town, I remembered that Henry had let it slip that he knew my father professionally.  All of Dad’s old records were stored with Ralph and Fanny, so I once again headed to the Clean … Continue reading

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Podcast: The Bra Strap

My personal history of the bra strap, from training bra, to braless, to basic piece of underwear. Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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The Checkered Game of Life

The other day I was wandering lost in a Target Superstore, looking for one of those trivial items, like the darning needle that used to be sold locally until all the big box stores sucked the local sundry shops dry.  … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapters 37-38

Chapter 37 I moved away from the bridge tables quickly, but had lost sight of Simba.  As I looked frantically around I heard my name. “Liza, fancy meeting you here.  This cannot be a coincidence.” “Grimes, are you here for … Continue reading

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Unintended Consequences

Unintended Consequences In the US health care system, the people are represented by three separate yet equally important groups; the doctors who treat patients, the employers who offer health care benefits and the insurance companies who administer them.  This is … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 36

The next day was bright and sunny.  The working world must have been elated that this perfect day fell on a Saturday.  The beach would be crowded with body surfers and beach volleyball, and the bike path full of bikers … Continue reading

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Naming Rights

I am currently trying to write a murder mystery, not because I have a great plot line in mind, or a deep roiling well of family dysfunction and tragedy to draw from, but mostly because I want the naming rights.  … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 35

It was now about 5:00 and I was beat. I desperately wanted to avoid talking with Simba today – I needed at least an evening to collect my thoughts and figure out how to approach this fragile woman. This was … Continue reading

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