Author Archives: Liza Blue

Built Like a Brick Shit House

The scene is very familiar.  A group of couples come over for a casual summer barbecue.  As the host you are responsible for the entrées, but your guests arrive carrying guacamole and chips, salad ingredients or dessert, or perhaps a … Continue reading

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Truth, Dissembling and Lying and the Wisdom to Know the Difference

Truth, Dissembling, Lying and the Wisdom to Know the Difference Ever since I put my first shiny nickel into my pocket, walked into Woolworth’s and bought my first bag of M&Ms, I have been comfortably ensconced in the predictable world … Continue reading

Posted in Such is Life, To the Best of My Knowledge, What I Did | Leave a comment

Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Conclusion

I started to walk across the lawn towards my car, but Henry spoke up again.  As I turned I saw his gun pointed at me.  “Simba, I really insist that you stop ignoring me.  I asked a simple question, and … Continue reading

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Deuce Bitch

I played a lot of tennis growing up, in part because we had a tennis court in our back yard, but mostly because my mother was an avid player.  This was back in the sixties, in the days when women’s … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 49

Henry emerged from a side door and stood on the stone patio.  Sam and I were about 50 years away and down a small dip in the landscaping overlooking the canyon.  But even at this distance in the dark, I … Continue reading

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Impulse Control

My husband might point out that one of my most economical and endearing traits is that I simply don’t shop.  Almost all of my clothes come from a trusted online catalog; I have a limited roster of clothes that are … Continue reading

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Podcast: Home Style Chunks

An exploration of human grade dogfood, culminating in a human taste test. Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 48

I walked out the gate and pondered my options, which turned out to be very limited.  Just didn’t seem right for a private eye to arrive at a potential crime scene in a cab.  But then I remembered that Mary … Continue reading

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Things That I Have Given Up Trying to Understand

Rattling around in the back of my mind, organized into two categories, are lists of things that I just don’t understand.  One list consists of diverse items that I have accepted as enduring mysteries beyond my comprehension.  Electricity, for example … Continue reading

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Clean Plate Club Murder Mystery: Chapter 47

As I got back into my car, I realized that I hadn’t eaten all day.  I figured I would have a bite to eat, and then just sack out at Ralph and Fanny’s.  It really didn’t make any sense for … Continue reading

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