Author Archives: Liza Blue

My Life in Gum

The First Quarter I remember my mother standing in the kitchen chatting on the yellow telephone with the long and twisting cord.  She would twirl her short brown hair with her index finger as she chewed a piece of gum.  … Continue reading

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The Bridge

How odd that the image of Charlie Grinstead should come to mind in such perfect detail after a 40 year hiatus.  I don’t think that I ever spoke a word to him during the two years our lives overlapped at … Continue reading

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My Foot

One of the books on the reading list for my upcoming writer’s workshop is “The Art of the Personal Essay,” a 700+ page anthology of essays ranging from Seneca (AD3-65) to present day.  I decided to pick my selection by … Continue reading

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The Favor

I don’t use a cell phone.  At first, it was because I really didn’t need one.  Then I thought that I could make a quiet personal statement about the silliness of instant access – glances down at a discreet cell … Continue reading

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A Kinder, Gentler United Airlines

We received a very remarkable phone message the other day from the local library, informing us that a book that I had checked out had been returned by United Airlines. Apparently, I had left the book on the plane, and … Continue reading

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Podcast: Just Hangin’

Hanging out, the fine art of doing nothing together. See companion Podcast on puttering (Pitter, Patter, Putter Perfect), the fine art of doing nothing on your own. Follow Liza Blue on: Share:

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Playing Catch-Up with the Bible

The other evening Nick and I were half-watching a Stanley Cup playoff game involving the Boston Bruins.  At one point the camera panned the rafters displaying the banners honoring Bobby Orr, and Nick commented, “Wow, Bobby Orr only played for … Continue reading

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I Love Livers

My introduction to liver was perfectly pleasant.  There was a period in my childhood when liver was a routine dinner entrée.  This was when my mother had 6 children under the age of 10 and was assisted by a mother’s … Continue reading

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The Tyranny of the Lie

My all girls high school was like any other with its typical array of cliques – the pretty, the ugly, the jocks, brains, geeks and the occasional total misfit.  But the fact that it was a boarding school added another … Continue reading

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That One Word

It was easy enough to dismiss the first signs.  After all, who hasn’t lost their car in a parking lot, particularly a nondescript white compact car that looks like so many others?  Others I ascribed to the occasional senior moment, … Continue reading

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