Author Archives: Liza Blue

The Flies in My Life

After an arduous morning of weeding and other nap-worthy chores, I head to the screened porch, supplement the spring breeze with the overhead fan, plump the pillows and then settle in with a shimmering glass of beaded ice water. My … Continue reading

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The Perfect Walk

I am joyful walker but reluctant hiker. Both involve putting one foot in front of the other, but beyond that share little. A walk is an umbrella term that includes saunters, strolls, meanders or moseys – all are defined by … Continue reading

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At Peace with Ticks

The other day at bell choir rehearsal we were practicing a tricky piece that had a riff of competing doublets and triplets, and I requested that we drill on several problematic measures. Just as we launched into the piece, I … Continue reading

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Ah! Wonderlic!

I am a sixty year old woman with nothing obvious in common with a pro football player. My forty yard dash could be timed with a clogged hour glass, my bench press might not exceed a full load of laundry, … Continue reading

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Occupation: Housewife

It seems very strange that I didn’t put everything together until I was cleaning out my parent’s safety deposit box after their deaths. The bank clerk handed me the little card they had filled out, probably just after their marriage … Continue reading

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A Parent Death

I was in my early fifties when I started to wonder where I would be exactly when I learned that my mother was dying. Would I be in the midst of a routine errand, idling in traffic at the busy … Continue reading

Posted in What I Did | 2 Comments

Symbolic Gestures

In college, I was convinced that symbolism would be my downfall. I’d never graduate. It all started in high school when I was a new sophomore in an all-girls boarding school. Mr. Shohet, my English teacher, seemed like an aggressive, … Continue reading

Posted in Pot Pouri, Sort of Academic | Leave a comment

Of Death and Window Wells

There must be something about the fall that prompts birds to fly into our windows. Perhaps it is the lengthening rays and shortening days as the setting sun inches south across the horizon at the edge of the prairie. Perhaps … Continue reading

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All Aboard

Even as a preteen I immediately understood the romance and glamor of an overnight train ride. For a couple of years during the 1960s, my mother, my two brothers and I took the California Zephyr from Chicago to Colorado for … Continue reading

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The Delicate Art of Potty Humor

I feel quite confident in my theory. Across the entire history of homo sapiens, across all cultures, ethnicities, geographies, and however else we might seek to self-identify, I know that we all have one thing in common – enjoyment of … Continue reading

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