Monthly Archives: June 2013

The Bridge

How odd that the image of Charlie Grinstead should come to mind in such perfect detail after a 40 year hiatus.  I don’t think that I ever spoke a word to him during the two years our lives overlapped at … Continue reading

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My Foot

One of the books on the reading list for my upcoming writer’s workshop is “The Art of the Personal Essay,” a 700+ page anthology of essays ranging from Seneca (AD3-65) to present day.  I decided to pick my selection by … Continue reading

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The Favor

I don’t use a cell phone.  At first, it was because I really didn’t need one.  Then I thought that I could make a quiet personal statement about the silliness of instant access – glances down at a discreet cell … Continue reading

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A Kinder, Gentler United Airlines

We received a very remarkable phone message the other day from the local library, informing us that a book that I had checked out had been returned by United Airlines. Apparently, I had left the book on the plane, and … Continue reading

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